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Sharepoint Vision & Sharepoint User Rights Requirement

Posted By Matthew Christus 15 Years Ago
Matthew Christus
Posted 15 Years Ago
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I am in the process of testing the Sharepoint Vision products and so far am very impressed.  I was able to link quickly to Sharepoint Lists and use Excel Services without a problem.  The UI is easy to understand and the results are very good. 

I am planning on purchasing today, but have a couple of security questions.  When my IT team installed on our test site it required "ADMIN" rights in order to successfully access the WebPart for configuration. I am assumign this may be an error in how we installed, but am concerned that this may limit our deployment.

Can someone confirm that the rights to add and configure the Gauge and Chart webparts do not require Admin rights on the sharepoint server?  I would hope contributor rights woudl be enough.  Please advise.

Also, is this licensed for multi-server?  Or does each server require a unique license key?

Thanks in advance.

Nevron Support
Posted 15 Years Ago
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Hello Matthew,


Generally you need admin rights when you install in order for the web parts to get registered correctly in SharePoint. The user that access the webparts must also have some rights on the server in order to read the generated images files (not required when the image output is done via axd) and rights for accessing the database configured through the designer. It is generally not a problem to assign the everyone account or a domain group the users belong to (if they are part of a domain) with rights to the folders used by the chart / gauge to write temporary images and web parts state.

Yes, the licensing is per server, we are providing volume licensing discounts. We can also create a multi / any CPU Key.


Questions or comments, please feel free.

Best Regards,
Nevron Support Team

Matthew Christus
Posted 15 Years Ago
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So having installed and satisfactorily checked the capabilities of your webpart on our test sharepoint server, I was ready to install this on our production server - only on the step that evaluates the sharepoint applications, that window came out empty, and when i clicked on the continuing steps, it gave me the event log (attached).

I have admin rights to the server and the sharepoint farm is running and available - so i'm not sure why your install program wasn't able to locate it, any assistance regarding this will be appreciated. Thanks!


nevron install log.txt (934 views, 2.00 KB)
Matthew Christus
Posted 15 Years Ago
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We are now loading on a live server for a final test, and receive the following errors when attempting to install the Vision webparts on the new server, any advice?


I’m trying to install this Nevron gauge/chart webpart in our sharepoint production site, I was able to install on our test sharepoint site for testing successfully but unfortunately not in production.

In the install steps, it doesn't seem to find the sharepoint applications – so that the window that displays them, and

have you choose where to install it, is empty. Then when I hit continue, the messages that displays i've pasted below – apparent is the message that says ‘The farm is unavailable’. Any ideas? Alternatives to installing this?




Attempting stop...Internet services successfully stoppedAttempting start...Internet services successfully restarted


stsadm.exe -o execadmsvcjobs

The farm is unavailable.

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

[Error] Exception occurred Message [Object reference not set to an instance of an object.], Stack Trace [   at Nevron.SharepointRegistrator.NAddSolutionTask.Execute(NSharepointInstallContext context)

   at Nevron.SharepointRegistrator.NContainerTask.ExecuteTask(NSharepointInstallContext context, NTask task)]

Recursively copying [C:\Program Files\Nevron Software\Nevron SharePoint Vision 2010.1 for MOSS and WSS 2007\DocumentationHTML] to [C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\Nevron\Help].

Creating Temporary Directory [C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\Nevron\Chart\Temp]

Setting Access Control to Temporary Directory [C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\Nevron\Chart\Temp]

Creating Temporary Directory [C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\Nevron\Chart\State]

Setting Access Control to Temporary Directory [C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\Nevron\Chart\State]

Creating Temporary Directory [C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\Nevron\Gauge\Temp]

Setting Access Control to Temporary Directory [C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\Nevron\Gauge\Temp]

Creating Temporary Directory [C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\Nevron\Gauge\State]

Setting Access Control to Temporary Directory [C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\Nevron\Gauge\State]

stsadm.exe -o execadmsvcjobs

The farm is unavailable.

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


Nevron Support
Posted 15 Years Ago
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It looks like that this is a permission issue, this problem is not in the SharePoint Vision suite. We investigated the problem and found some topics which can help you. To provision, update web applications or just use stsadm command in SharePoint your credentials must have access to the configuration database of your farm in SQL Server. You can find more details here:


Also, if you are familiar with manual installation of web parts, we can provide you a brief description how to install our web parts without using automation SharePoint commands.

Best Regards,
Nevron Support Team

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