Can not set location on horizontal line
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By Jason Irby - 8 Years Ago

I have a NLineShape that I am trying to move by programatically.
It has a start location and has a width, but because it is exactly horizontal the bounds height is 0;

When I try and do 

myLine.Location = new NPointF(10.0f,10.0f);

It throws an exception complaining that the new bounds can not have a 0 height or width.
If the line is NOT exactly horizontal by even a pixel, this error does not occur.

Can I change the horizontal lines location without it throwing that exception?

Thanks in advance,

By Nevron Support - 8 Years Ago

The best way to move a shape is to use its Translate method. For example, to move a line shape 40 pixels down, you can use the following line of code:

// Move the line shape
lineShape.Translate(0, 40);

// Repaint the view

Alternatively, you can change the StartPoint and EndPoint of the line shape.