Changing the zoom level of NLegend control during export
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By Irina - 8 Years Ago
When exporting a chart control to an image, I can specify the desired size of the image. If this size is less than the size of the control, the chart will be zoomed out, but the NLegend control will have the same size. Is it possible to change the zoom level of the NLegend control based on the specified dimensions during export?
Thank you
By Nevron Support - 8 Years Ago
Hi Irina,
You can switch the legend bounds mode to Fit in which which case it will resize in order to fill it's width or height of the panel associated with it - for example:
  NLegend legend = nChartControl1.Legends[0];
   legend.BoundsMode = Nevron.GraphicsCore.BoundsMode.Fit;
   legend.UseAutomaticSize = false;
   legend.Size = new Nevron.GraphicsCore.NSizeL(new NLength(20, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage), new NLength(20, NRelativeUnit.ParentPercentage));

By Irina - 8 Years Ago
Thank you!