Adding min max labels on y axis
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By Manal Goyal - 6 Years Ago
Hi Team,

I want to add min, max labels on y axis to highlight minimum and maximum values achieved by the series. What I managed to come up with is this:

You can see that labels are inside the graph, but I want labels to be present on the scale itself(But the important thing is that I don't want labels to interfere with the tick values, they can appear next to tick values).

This is the code I am currently using:

private void AddMinMaxLabel(NAxis axis, double min, double max)
    NAxisConstLine constLine1 = new NAxisConstLine
      StrokeStyle = { Color = Color.Gray },
      Value = min,
      TextAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft,
      Text = " Min " + min.ToString("0.000")
    constLine1.TextStyle.FontStyle.Style = FontStyle.Bold;
    NAxisConstLine constLine2 = new NAxisConstLine
      StrokeStyle = { Color = Color.Gray },
      Value = max,
      TextAlignment = ContentAlignment.TopLeft,
      Text = " Max " + max.ToString("0.000")
    constLine2.TextStyle.FontStyle.Style = FontStyle.Bold;

Can you guide me for the right way to do it?
Thanks and regards
By Nevron Support - 6 Years Ago
Hi Manal,
You can use custom value labels for this purpose:

NChart chart = nChartControl1.Charts[0];

NBarSeries bar = new NBarSeries();

NLinearScaleConfigurator scale = chart.Axis(StandardAxis.PrimaryY).ScaleConfigurator as NLinearScaleConfigurator;
NCustomValueLabel maxValue = new NCustomValueLabel();
maxValue.Text = "Max";
maxValue.Value = 10;
scale.CreateNewLevelForCustomLabels = false;

the above code also shows how to merge the custom value labels with the automatically generated ones so that when they overlap the custom labels will show only.