adding a name to the series
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By Manal Goyal - 5 Years Ago
I have a Nilne series and I want to attach a name to this series like in the snapshot below.

How can I achieve this.
By Nevron Software - 5 Years Ago
Hi Manal,
Please elaborate - you need to produce constant (reference) lines with label or?
By Manal Goyal - 5 Years Ago
not the constant lines, I need NLineSeries and I wand to put a label at either end of the series.
By Nevron Support - 5 Years Ago
Hi Manal,
You can use data labels for this purpose:
   NChart chart = nChartControl1.Charts[0];

    NLineSeries line = new NLineSeries();

    line.DataLabelStyle.Visible = true;
    line.DataLabelStyle.Format = "<label>";

    // annotate the first data point
    line.Labels.Add("Line Series");

or place an annotation as shown in the All Examples \ Panels \ Annotations example group.
By Manal Goyal - 5 Years Ago
Hi team, Thanks for the solution.
Is there anyway I can make label background transparent and make that box disappear?
By Manal Goyal - 5 Years Ago
I got it working, Thanks.