How to set the position of label
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By shweta jain - 5 Years Ago
I want to set the position of label in the middle of the line. I have attached image of my chart where label name "label 2" is at the top of line, How can I set the position of that label in middle of the line. 
By Nevron Support - 5 Years Ago
Hi Shweta,

How do you add that label to chart? In general you simply need to calculate the center point of the line which is very simple:
C.X  = (A.X + B.X) / 2
C.Y  = (A.Y + B.Y) / 2
where A and B are the begin/end points and C is the center.
By shweta jain - 5 Years Ago
Thank you for reply,
After calculating center point of the line then how can we set that point in label position.
By shweta jain - 5 Years Ago
Thank you for reply,
but I don't understand after finding center point of line, how to set that point in label for change the position of label.
By Nevron Support - 5 Years Ago
Hi Shweta,

You can use a point series in XY scatter mode for this purpose:

   NCartesianChart chart = (NCartesianChart)nChartControl1.Charts[0];

    NPointSeries point = new NPointSeries();
    point.Size = new NLength(0);
    point.DataLabelStyle.Visible = true;
    point.DataLabelStyle.TextStyle.StringFormatStyle.HorzAlign = Nevron.HorzAlign.Center;
    point.DataLabelStyle.TextStyle.StringFormatStyle.VertAlign = Nevron.VertAlign.Center;
    point.DataLabelStyle.VertAlign = Nevron.VertAlign.Center;
    point.DataLabelStyle.Format = "<label>";
    point.UseXValues = true;
    point.Labels.Add("Some Label");

This will display a centered label at [10,10] - you can also display labels using annotations - check out example All Examples \ Panels \ Annotations for more information... Let us know if you meet any problems.