Does NevronChart support .NET 6.0?
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By yunhyung jeon - 2 Years Ago
Now, I'm using 'Nevron .NET Vision 2019.1 for VS2019, and We especially use NevronChart components for winform.
However, Our projects will use .NET 6.0(or 5.0) in VS2022. So, We are considering to update our licenses.

As a result, I want to know Nevron .NET Vision supports .NET 6.0(or 5.0). (In this case, we will just update our license)
Besides, We also consider to buy NOV, but, What we consider most important is Chart components for winform.

What is the best our choice?
By Nevron Support - 2 Years Ago
Hi Yunhyung,

Thank you for considering to upgrade. 

Both component lines will be updated to support .net5/6 as well as Visual Studio 2022. In the case of NOV, we're probably just one or two weeks away from the release. In the case of .NET Vision we think this will happen by mid-February.

Regarding the chart - we plan to introduce much more new functionality in the NOV Chart going forward, including 3D support later this year. Please contact if you plan to purchase NOV so that you can get an appropriate discount as a .NET Vision customer.

We hope this helps - let us know if you have any questions or comments.