Bar Char 2nd Scale
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By Mike Holmes - 2 Years Ago

I have a chart with 2 bar series, how can I show the scale of the 2nd bar series on the right hand side of the chart

By Nevron Support - 2 Years Ago
Hi Mike,

The following code shows how to position the axis on right side:

someAxis.Anchor = new NDockAxisAnchor(AxisDockZone.FrontRight, true);

You can also check the Axes \ General \ Docking example which shows how axis docking works.

Let us know if you have any questions.
By Mike Holmes - 2 Years Ago
Thanks, have now got the 2nd scale showing, but is the same scale range the one on the left, I need it to be as per the range for bar2 which your demo shoes.

    m_BlueAxis = ((NCartesianAxisCollection)nChart.Axes).AddCustomAxis(AxisOrientation.Vertical, AxisDockZone.FrontRight);
    m_BlueAxis.Anchor = new NDockAxisAnchor(AxisDockZone.FrontRight, true);
    nBar2.DisplayOnAxis(m_BlueAxis.AxisId, true);
By Nevron Support - 2 Years Ago
Hi Mike,
Make sure you turn off scaling for the second bar on the primary Y-axis:

nBar2.DisplayOnAxis((int)StandardAxis.PrimaryY, false);

Let us know if you meet any problems.
By Mike Holmes - 2 Years Ago
Thanks, that has worked
By Mike Holmes - 2 Years Ago
is it possible on the left hand scale to include a pound sign as this is a value
By Nevron Support - 2 Years Ago
Hi Mike,

Yes, you can place a currency prefix by changing the value formatter associated with the Y axis:
NLinearScaleConfigurator scaleY = chart.Axis(StandardAxis.PrimaryY).ScaleConfigurator as NLinearScaleConfigurator;
scaleY.LabelValueFormatter = new Nevron.Dom.NNumericValueFormatter("$0.00");

More information on format .net format strings can be found here:

Let us know if you have any questions.