Border Thickness not behaving as expected
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By Michaela Griffiths - 2 Years Ago
I am using a NRichTextView to programmatically generate a table and exporting it to a docx.
I have the following code to create a table with a border.

NTable table = new NTable();
table.Border = NBorder.CreateFilledBorder(NColor.Red);
table.BorderThickness = new NMargins(0,1,0,1);

I would expect this to generate a table with a red border at the top and bottom, and no border on the sides, but I get a red border on all sides. Is there a way to get a partial border?

By Nevron Software - 2 Years Ago
Hi Michaela,

Thank you for reporting this problem - it was fixed today and the upcoming release of NOV (scheduled for next week) will not have this problem.

If you experience any other issues or have any questions please let us know - we'll be glad to help.
By Nevron Support - 2 Years Ago
Hi Michaela,

Just a short note that the new version of NOV that we released last week should be fixing this problem. Please let us know if you have any questions.