Accessing the NevronChart image file for html page conversion to pdf
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By Paul Schellens - 13 Years Ago

Hi, I'm trialling some html to pdf conversion controls and realise that I need to adjust some of the html before conversion.

My page uses the Nevron Chart control.  I was having no problem with images/charts when creating the pdfs when I would use the 'CreatePDFFromURL' (or similar) methods of the various controls and passed in the url which contained the nevron chart.

However, now I wish to use the 'CreatePDFFromHTML' method(s), but can't figure how I'll get the chart in there since it contains something like <img src="NevronChart.axd?InstanceGuid=xxxx;SnapshotGuid="...> and none of the htmltoPDF controls know what to do with that.  So it'd be great to simply replace that line with a file path.

Possible? Or other options?

By Nevron Support - 13 Years Ago

Hi Paul,

You can check whether switching the control output to temp file:

nChartControl1.ImageAcquisitionMode = UI.WebForm.Controls.ClientSideImageAcquisitionMode.TempFile;

will produce html that is understood by these controls (this will generate an actual image on the server).

Let us know if the problem persists...

By Paul Schellens - 13 Years Ago
Sounds perfect.  Many thanks.