NUIPalette upgrade problem
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By Pedro Rosa - 12 Years Ago
Hi, After a long while developing a WinForms application it is now time to wrap it and publish, so an upgrade to the latest version of Nevron was done and everything worked fine apart from a problem with the NUIPalette.
The compiler is showing the following message for around 8 forms:

Invalid Resx file. Could not load type Nevron.UI.WinForm.Controls.NUIPalette, Nevron.Presentation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=6656c5d1103e75cc which is used in the .RESX file. Ensure that the necessary references have been added to your project. ...\Forms\FrmNamingConventions.resx
Invalid Resx file. Could not load type Nevron.UI.WinForm.Controls.NUIPalette, Nevron.Presentation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=6656c5d1103e75cc which is used in the .RESX file. Ensure that the necessary references have been added to your project. ...\Forms\FrmProjectFilter.resx

The references to the project are correctly added.

Tried to rebuild the solution referencing the old dlls and it works, when replacing the new dlls Presentation and System it breaks.

By Nevron Support - 12 Years Ago
Hello Pedro,

I guess in the resource file is saved field or property from NUIPalette which may be was changed in the newer version.
You can try to set the palette properties again using the latest assemblies.

Also try to delete licenses.licx file from your project.

Please, let us know if the problem persist.
By Pedro Rosa - 12 Years Ago
It partially worked. Eliminating .licx files helped, but I had to edit the .resx files and eliminate the tag. Once this done, on next rebuild it self-healed and everything back to normal. Me happy again. Thank you for your help. - Pedro