NTreeViexEx node stays Hot

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By Imanol Yurrebaso - 11 Years Ago
I'm having another issue with the NTreeViewEx. I'll try to explain it simple to avoid posting a big chunk of code.

We are performing a DragDrop operation programmatically when certain event happens, like this:

((NTreeViewEx)sender).DoDragDrop(data, DragDropEffects.Copy);

The action is performed as intended, but when I take the mouse cursor back to the NTreeViewEx, the nodes don't show as Hot when hovering. Then, after clicking another node, the previously selected node goes into Hot state, and it won't go away until I hover that node with the mouse.

I attached some screenshots to show the problem:

1: after the dragdrop operation, hovering other nodes doesn't activate Hot state.
2: cliking another node will make the previous node stay Hot, until I hover over it with the mouse.
3: it happens to every node where I perform the DragDrop operation, until I hover them with the mouse.

Even if I iterate the nodes and set the visual state of the Hot ones to Normal, it won't go away until I hover them. If I refresh the node, I would lose the selected one.

It is a serious problem, as sometimes we catch the Selected node for some operations, and other times we catch the Hot node for other operations, so we should be able to fix it.

Thanks in advance.
By Nevron Support - 11 Years Ago
Hi Imanol,

When you want to make drag and drop functionality in NTreeViewEx you only need to set ItemDragDropMode to some of the predefined values.
Then you can attach to the following events: ItemBeginDrag, ItemDrag and ItemDragComplete.

Is this the pattern you use?
If so, could you describe what are you doing in the event handlers to experience this problem.