Developer to Production License
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By Chris Higginson - 11 Years Ago
I installed Nevron evaluation version to verify it would work for us.
We then purchased the product and another engineer used the dev license to build our app.

I uninstalled Nevron. However, now when I run our production winform app I get the error "Evaluation Mode - for testing purposes only...Current Machine ID [..] Evaluation period has expired."

If I run the app on a different machine ( that I never used to trial the product ) I have no issues.

Could you tell me what registry/directory/assembly I need to delete so I can just view the production application?
By Nevron Support - 11 Years Ago

Hello Chris,
This happens because the evaluation license (which is provided at install time) is stored in the registry on your machine.

Can you make sure that you have configured the Desktop license properly – it has to be configured programmatically. Take a look at the Help Documentation >> Activation (Desktop Redistribution)

By Chris Higginson - 11 Years Ago

Thank you for the reply, however I am still unsure how to fix this issue.

1) I've already uninstalled Nevron evaluation version....I don't have a license manager.  Do I need to install just the license manager to remove the license?  If so, where can I download it?

2) If I have to do it programmatically, do you have sample code for removing the reg key?  The link you sent seemed to only have code for adding a license key.

3) If you just let me know the reg keys to remove I can do that manually.



By Nevron Support - 11 Years Ago

The Desktop license is required for redistribution of your compiled desktop applications.
Once you configure it (add the license) programmatically, you should be able to run your application on different machines.

In order to delete the registry keys, go to:

By Chris Higginson - 11 Years Ago
Perfect, deleting those reg keys worked for me.
Thank you!