thinweb and css class
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By Laura Monica Ibeas Poch - 10 Years Ago

I am new in web development with Nevron and when I include the thinweb control in an aspx page, if I execute it gives me the following error:
"Error en tiempo de ejecución de </script> El objeto no acepta la propiedad o el método 'enable'"
I traduce like "the object don't allow the method or property 'enable'

I don't know what is. Can you help me?

By Nevron Support - 10 Years Ago
Hi Laura,

Can you send us more information how to replicate the problem - what is the version of the diagram and the browser you used. Is there anything specific about the application etc. Ideally you can send an app replicating the problem at and we'll review it ASAP.
By Laura Monica Ibeas Poch - 10 Years Ago
Ok I send a test project to the
In other way, I am trying to make the control with width of 100% and it is not working

