How to add NpanTool in Ndrawingview Control
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By Jaideep Tandon - 10 Years Ago
Hello Everyone,

I am using NDrawingview Control using following code

AjaxEnabled="True" AsyncCallbackTimeout="1000" OnAsyncClick="NDrawingView1_AsyncClick"

I just want to know how should i used NpanTool in this
because i see the demo code of NpanTool but there they used NthinDiagramControl.

Can any one provide sample or example how i used NpanTool in NDrawingview.

By Nevron Support - 10 Years Ago
Hi Jaideep,

You need to use the ThinDiagram control for this purpose. Check out the following examples:

ThinWeb\Pan Tool
ThinWeb\Auto Update

There is no pan tool in the legacy web control, which you're using. Let us know if have any questions.