Tree position in Diagram
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By Andrea Piazza - 10 Years Ago
I use Tree Importer to draw diagram from database and then I use a NTextShape for writing header title in my document. But the diagram covers my TextShape because it's in front of it. How can I move down my Tree so I can see the title into TextShape?
By Nevron Support - 10 Years Ago
Create and insert the text shape first and then import the diagram from the database. If the shapes still overlap then you can use one of the tree layouts to layout them, for example:

NLayeredTreeLayout layout = new NLayeredTreeLayout();
layout.VertexSpacing = 50;
layout.LayerSpacing = 50;
layout.Layout(document.ActiveLayer.Children(null), new NDrawingLayoutContext(document));
By Andrea Piazza - 10 Years Ago
I've tried with NTipOverTreeTayout but i've still the same problem.  

Probably there is an error in my code:

Private Sub InitDocument()
        m_Dict = New Dictionary(Of NTableShape, clsDipendente)()

        ' change default document styles
        NDrawingDocument1.Style.TextStyle.TextFormat = TextFormat.XML
        NDrawingDocument1.Style.StartArrowheadStyle.Shape = ArrowheadShape.None
        NDrawingDocument1.Style.EndArrowheadStyle.Shape = ArrowheadShape.None

        ' configure shadow (inherited by all objects)
        NDrawingDocument1.Style.ShadowStyle = New NShadowStyle(ShadowType.GaussianBlur, Color.FromArgb(150, Color.Black), New NPointL(3, 3), 1, New NLength(4))

        NDrawingDocument1.ShadowsZOrder = ShadowsZOrder.BehindDocument
        NDrawingDocument1.ActiveLayer.Name = "Org"

        '        Dim text As NTextShape = New NTextShape("Company Structure", New NRectangleF(NDrawingDocument1.Bounds.Width + 5, NDrawingDocument1.Bounds.Y + 5, 200, 50))
        Dim text As NTextShape
        If p_Funzioni Then
            text = New NTextShape("ORGANIGRAMMA FUNZIONALE REPARTO " & p_Titolo, New NRectangleF(NDrawingDocument1.Width * 2 / 3, 0, NDrawingDocument1.Width / 3, 100))
            text = New NTextShape("ORGANIGRAMMA REPARTO " & p_Titolo, New NRectangleF(NDrawingDocument1.Width * 2 / 3, 0, NDrawingDocument1.Width / 3, 100))

        End If

        text.Style.TextStyle = New NTextStyle(New Font("Times New Roman", 20, FontStyle.Bold))
        text.Style.TextStyle.StringFormatStyle.HorzAlign = HorzAlign.Right


        Dim treeLayer As New NLayer()
        treeLayer.Name = "Organigramma"

        NDrawingDocument1.ActiveLayerUniqueId = treeLayer.UniqueId

        ' ''Dim layout As NLayeredTreeLayout = New NLayeredTreeLayout()
        ' ''layout.Direction = LayoutDirection.TopToBottom
        ' ''layout.VertexSpacing = 50
        ' ''layout.LayerSpacing = 50

        ' use tip over tree layout
        Dim tipOverLayout As NTipOverTreeLayout = New NTipOverTreeLayout()
        tipOverLayout.ColRightParentPlacement.Offset = 258
        tipOverLayout.HorizontalSpacing = 30
        tipOverLayout.LeafsPlacement = TipOverChildrenPlacement.ColRight

        ' create the data importer
        Dim treeImporter As NTreeDataSourceImporter = New NTreeDataSourceImporter()
        treeImporter.Layout = tipOverLayout
        treeImporter.Document = NDrawingDocument1
        treeImporter.DataSource = p_Dati
        treeImporter.Layout = tipOverLayout

        ' records are uniquely identified by their Id column
        ' records link to their parent record by their ParentId column
        treeImporter.IdColumnName = "org_id"
        treeImporter.ParentIdColumnName = "org_parent_id"
        treeImporter.CollapsibleSubtrees = True
        treeImporter.VertexShapesFactory = New NBasicShapesFactory()
        treeImporter.VertexShapesName = BasicShapes.Table.ToString()

        ' import the shapes
        AddHandler treeImporter.VertexImported, AddressOf treeImporter_VertexImported

        Dim ok As Boolean = treeImporter.Import()

        ' resize document to fit all shapes

    End Sub

By Nevron Support - 10 Years Ago
By default layouts arrange the drawing relatively to the upper-left corner of the drawing.Bounds. That is why the tree/graph data importers arrange the drawing at the 0,0 origin. - provided that you have not modified the drawing.Bounds . The easiest way to place a header on top of your arranged drawing:
1. Import the data first,
2. Add the header text shape on top of the drawing.Bounds rectangle (for example with bounds new NRectangleF(0, -20, 1000, 20)).
3. Call the document.SizeToContent() method.