Retrieving an estimated value... possible?
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By Paolo Gelato - 10 Years Ago

I am quite new to Nevron Chart, so I guess that I may be missing something and that the answer is simple. I hope so at least ;-)

I have data which I display with a NTriangulatedSurfaceSeries as the X and Z positions are irregular. So far so good. Now I am asked to estimate values on specific X and Z positions. Is it possible to retrieve the Y value estimated by the series for such positions? I thought I could insert a "missing" point at the desired coordinates with DBNull.Value for the Y component, and then somehow read out the estimated value.
Any hints? Possible?

Thanks for your help!!!

By Nevron Support - 10 Years Ago
Hi Paolo,
Unfortunately there is no easy way to get the associated vertices that compose the triangle covering an arbitrary x/z value as the triangulation algorithm / result are not exposed from the triangulated surface series.