How to MeasureText for NCanvas?
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By Karl Hulme - 9 Years Ago
I found NFont.MeasureText but this requires that the font object be attached/associated with a document.

I'm rendering text to the canvas in PrePaint using arg.PaintVisitor.PaintString and need a way to calculate the required height given a specific width.
By Karl Hulme - 9 Years Ago
Oh dear! - There's an example of this in the Nevron Example app.

The code needs to look something like:...

            var txt = "Here is some text to measure";
            double targetWidth = 150;

            var settings = new NPaintTextRectSettings ();
            settings.SingleLine = false;
            settings.WrapMode = ENTextWrapMode.WordWrap;
            settings.HorzAlign = ENTextHorzAlign.Left;
            settings.VertAlign = ENTextVertAlign.Top;

            var resolution = canvas.Ownerdocument.GetEffectiveResolution ();
            var font = new NFont (NFontDescriptor.DefaultMonoFamilyName, 10);
            var textSize = font.MeasureString (txt.ToCharArray (), resolution, 150, false, ref settings);

            arg.PaintVisitor.SetFill (NColor.Black);
            arg.PaintVisitor.SetFont (font);
            arg.PaintVisitor.PaintString (
                new NRectangle(35, 35, textSize.Width, textSize.Height), 
                txt, ref settings);