Is NTreeList BestFit asynchronous?
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By Craig Swearingen - 9 Years Ago
Using build on Win7.  I'd like to use the NTreeList BestFit or BestFitAllColumns method to change my column widths based on the data in the NTreeList.  However, for a few columns I don't want their width to be greater than 200.  I'm calling:

if (myTree.Columns["largetextcol"].Width > 200)
    myTree.Columns["largetextcol"].Width = 200;

The setting of 200 doesn't work.  The BestFitAllColumns width is used instead.  If I change it like this:

if (myTree.Columns["largetextcol"].Width > 200)
    myTree.Columns["largetextcol"].Width = 200;

This works.  Unless my NTreeList is not visible.  In my case my NTreeList may be on a tab of a NTabControl that is not visible.  I've tried some other methods on the NTreeList widget but nothing seems to help.  How can I get the BestFitAllColumns algorithm to run such that I can then set my max column widths?
By Nevron Support - 9 Years Ago
Hello Craig,

You can try to change the column width when some of the column's property has changed by attaching to NTreeList.ColumnNotify event as follows:

myTree.ColumnNotify += nTreeList1_ColumnNotify;


void nTreeList1_ColumnNotify(object sender, NTreeListColumnNotifyData data)
    NTreeListColumn column = nTreeList1.Columns["largetextcol"];
    column.Header.Text = column.Width.ToString();

    if (data.Column == column
        && data.NotifyCode == NTreeList.ColumnPropertyChangedNotifyCode
        && column.Width > 200)
        column.Width = 200;

This way when the control becomes visible the event handler for ColumnNotify should be called and the column resized.

I hope this helps.
By Craig Swearingen - 9 Years Ago
Thanks for the tip.  I was wondering if I would need to approach it similarly but I was hoping I was just missing something that was available to do synchronously.