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Data Source connection failed login

Posted By Bill Rishsew 11 Years Ago
Bill Rishsew
Posted 11 Years Ago
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Look as I might, I can not find a thread related to failed SQL Logins.

My gut tells me it is on our end, but I'm not totally conviced.

I've been Admining SharePoint for a long time and am not sure why a service account can be used to do the add-on install, but not be used to query data from the the created DB.

This is a development instance, so I only use one service account throughout.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I don't mind finding out I missed something in the install. After being in IT for 30 years, I have no pride.

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Nevron Support
Posted 11 Years Ago
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Hello Bill,

You can take a look at the Help Documentation:

Connection to Data >> Connecting to a Database


Visit for a complete specification of the connection string format for each particular database connection.


In your case, the connection string looks incorrect. You have not specified the SQL server (Data Source= empty).


Try using the SQL server name and check your connection string.

Best Regards,
Nevron Support Team

Bill Rishsew
Posted 11 Years Ago
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Our DBA and I combed through the help files and made use of the connection strings in the Nevron Help and at the sight you referenced for connection strings.

It wasn't until we set up a SQL Account (not a Windows Domain account) and used this account to connect. By passing Windows Authentication.

Our connection string: Data Source=xxxx\xxxx;Initial Catalog=NevronSPVisionExamplesDB;Integrated Security=False;User ID=xxxx;Password=xxxx

The connection string is exactly what were using before when we were attempting to use Windows Authentication with a Doman Service Account.

Seems odd to us that Windows Authentication is an option, but doesn't work.

Should we be able to use a Windows Domain Service Account?

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