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NDockManager with Longhorn style

Posted By Massimiliano Francario 11 Years Ago
Massimiliano Francario
Posted 11 Years Ago
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I'm using NDockManager with the Longhorn style and the ShowCloseOnEachTab property set to true.
The close icon of non selected tabs in the dock manager are not visible, they are drawn with the same color used as tab background color.
I attach here a screenshot explaining the issue, look at the "Watchlist" and "Order Manager" tabs.

How can I change the color used to draw the close icon on each tab of the Dock Manager ?

Thank you

Max Francario

Nevron Support
Posted 11 Years Ago
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Hello Massimiliano,

Currently, you cannot change the color of the close button glyph.
This issue will be fixed in the next release. You will be able to change the color by changing the value of Palette.ControlText color.

Best Regards,
Nevron Support Team

Massimiliano Francario
Posted 11 Years Ago
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Thank you for your explanation.
When do you estimate the next release be available ?

Thank you

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