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June 5th, 2024 -Nevron Announces the release of Nevron Open Vision for .NET 2024.1- The complete enterprise suite of components for Blazor, WPF, WinForms, and Mac.

Nevron open vision for blazor light

Wilmington, Delaware — June 5th, 2024

The Nevron Team is pleased to announce the official release of Nevron Open Vision for .NET 2024.1 – The Leading User Interface components for Blazor, WPF, WinForms, and Mac. The new release introduces great features across all major UI components in the suite, with focus on Chart and Rich Text Processor, that further extend the capabilities of these industry-leading components.

Following is a list of the new features and improvements, included in the latest version.

General NOV Improvements

Support for .NET Core 8.0

NOV has a native build for .NET 8.0, in addition to the supported builds for .NET Framework 4.7.2+, NET 6.0, and .NET 7.0.

NOV Mac projects have been migrated from Mac to .NET 8.0 and can be used with the following IDEs on the Mac:

  • Visual Studio Code with the C# DevKit plugin
  • JetBrains Rider

Chart Improvements

The new version NOV Chart for .NET adds the following new features:

  • Surface Series - the control adds support for Grid Surface, Mesh Surface, Triangulated Surface, and Vertex Surface Series. All surface series support real time, shader optimized rendering as well as many visualization options, such as support for mesh and contour lines, custom colors per vertex, flat contour rendering and others.
  • Trendline Series - trendline series that allows you to visualize Exponential, Linear, Logarithmic, Polynomial, Power and Moving Average trendlines.
  • Data Import - the control allows you to import single and multiple data series data from various data sources, including IEnumerable, INIterable<T>, NDataTable, NDbDataReader etc.
  • Data Binding - the data binding feature allows you to bind multiple data series to a data source, so that they automatically refresh when the data source changes.
  • Data Analysis - the control add supports integration with NOV Formula Calculator, which allows you to display various arithmetic, statistical and financial functions such as moving average, power, standard deviation, statistical distributions and many others.

The following existing features have been improved:

  • UI Improvements - NOV Chart has a new Ribbon and Command bar interface, that includes support for exporting chart images to raster and vector formats, modifying the chart projection and palette and access to other chart features.
  • Enhanced PDF Export UI - The UI of the PDF Export is enhanced to support multiple pages.

Diagram Improvements

The new version of NOV Diagram for .NET includes the following new features:

  • Layers - The diagram now features layers. Each page item, such as Shapes and Guidelines, can be assigned to multiple layers. Layers help you group related items together, allowing you to show and hide them, protect them from printing or editing (lock them), highlight them, and more. This gives you granular control over the page items you want to work with, enabling you to focus on specific parts of your page without affecting others. Additionally, layers are recognized during Visio drawings import and export.

The following existing features have been improved:

  • Improved Microsoft Visio Import-Export of VSDX (Drawings) and VSSX (Stencils) formats - We have improved the Microsoft Visio Drawings (VSDX files) and Stencils (VSSX files) import and export with support for shape protections. Invisible Nevron shapes are also no longer exported to Visio.
  • Improved import of Microsoft Visio 2003-2010 VSD (Drawings) and VSX (Stencils) formats - We have completely rewritten the Visio 2003-2010 import, which is now faster and more accurate than the old one.
  • Improved Family Tree diagrams - Persons are now ordered by birth date and relationships - by marriage date.

Rich Text Improvements

The new version adds a new slimmed down version of the control called NSimpleRichTextView, which mimics the WordPad functionality (does not allow the user to import/paste tables, multiple sections, etc.)

Schedule Improvements

The new version of the NOV Schedule component includes a new view mode - Work Week view mode. It shows only the working days of the week - the days from Monday to Friday.

Framework Improvements

The Formula Calculator inside the NOV Presentation Framework has been improved to support a full set of Microsoft Excel - like statistical functions. These include:

  • Statistical Distribution Functions - a full set of Excel-like statistical distribution functions is now included, as summarized by the following table:
    FunctionDescriptionInverse Function
    BINOMDIST Binomial Distribution
    CHISQDIST Chi-squared Distribution CHISQINV
    EXPONDIST Exponential Distribution EXPONINV
    BETADIST Cumulative Beta Probability Density Function BETAINV
    FDIST F Probability Distribution (degree of diversity) FINV
    GAMMADIST Gamma Distribution GAMMAINV
    HYPGEOMDIST Hypergeometric Distribution
    LOGNORMDIST Lognormal Distribution LOGNORMINV
    NEGBINOMDIST Similar to the binomial distribution, except that the number of successes is fixed, and the number of trials is variable
    NORMDIST Normal Distribution NORMINV
    POISSONDIST Poisson Distribution
    TDIST Student T-Distribution TINV, TINV2T
    WEIBULLDIST Weibull Distribution
  • Statistical Trendline Functions - the following table summarizes the newly implemented trendline functions:
    LINEST Calculates the statistics for a line by using the "least squares" method to calculate a straight line that best fits your data.
    LOGEST In regression analysis, the LOGEST function calculates an exponential curve that fits your data and returns an array of values that describes the curve.
  • Miscellaneous Statistical Functions - the following table summarizes the other newly implemented functions:
    RSQ Returns the square of the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient.
    CORRELATION Returns the correlation coefficient of two arrays of values. Use the correlation coefficient to determine the relationship between two properties.
    COVARIANCE Covariance in probability theory and statistics is a measure of the joint variability of two random variables.

Free trial

60 days fully functional evaluation

The best way to understand the power of Nevron Open Vision for .NET is to test it yourself. This is why we provide a fully functional 60 days free evaluation with no obligations whatsoever.

About Nevron Software

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