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Nevron Diagram for .NET White Papers

Nevron white paper using maps in diagrams

Nowadays the globalization process is stronger than ever and many companies sell products and services all over the world. That's why software applications in many areas need to provide geographical and mapping information to the end users. World's most popular format for storing such information is the ESRI shapefile. There are hundreds of freely available ESRI maps on the web and now you can easily take advantage of them using Nevron Diagram and its integrated mapping features.

Nevron white paper layered graph layout

The layered graph layout algorithm aims to highlight the main direction or flow within a directed graph. This layout algorithm is very appropriate for hierarchically organized diagrams, organization charts, etc. Nevron is pleased to present you the NLayeredGraphLayout class which implements the layered graph drawing algorithm within Nevron Diagram.

Nevron white paper orthogonal graph layout

There is only one layout algorithm that can produce a nice drawing of almost every kind of graph. This is the Orthogonal Graph Layout Algorithm. As you can expect its unmatched power and universality come with a price – it is very complex and extremely hard to implement. That’s why Nevron is proud to present you the NOrthogonalGraphLayout class which implements the orthogonal graph drawing algorithm.

Customer Quotes:

QUOTE I am impressed with the product and considering that I have been developing for 10 years and not bought a single component because I have never been very impressed with quality and functionality – that is saying something.

I almost exclusively use Nevron Diagramming. I am most impressed with the speed, and after that the object model is well thought out, very flexible, and often goes the “extra mile” to provide a function that is really annoying to have to write yourself, but is relatively easy to be included.

Aubyn Crawford
Visual Integrated Solutions Ltd.