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NOV Chart for .NET Features

Charting Types

A complete and unrivaled set of charting types with many customization options is implemented to ensure that you have a superior set of data visualization methods "out of the box."


Area chart icon

Support for standard area chart, scatter area, stacked area and stacked percent area chart.

Bar and Column

0 Bar chart icon

Support for standard categorical bar chart, clustered bar/column, stacked bar/column, as well as clustered-stacked bar/column chart with numerous customization options. Support for XY, and XYZ scatter stack and clustered bar charts.

Box and Whiskers

Box and whiskers chart icon

Support for box and whisker plots, allowing for the interpretation of data distribution. Each box represents data for minimum, maximum, median, quartiles, outliers, and optional mean values.


Bubble chart icon

Support for categorical, XY, and XYZ scatter bubble charts, with many customization options for bubble shape, size, and appearance.


Doughnut chart icon

Doughnut (donut) pie chart - a variant of the pie chart, with a blank center and several several pie series stacked around each other.

Error Bar

Error bar chart icon

Y Error Bar, XY Error Bar, XYZ Error Bar, with support for XY and XYZ scatter for the bar position.

Heat Map

Heat map series chart icon

A Heat Map is a 2D representation of data where the individual values are contained in a matrix and are represented as colors, which are taken from an associated palette. Heat Maps support contour generation and smart contour labeling.


High low area chart icon

High low area with built-in appearance logic. Supports markers. XY scatter mode is also supported (date-time range chart).


Line chart icon

A standard line chart, stacked line chart, step line and smooth line with multiple customization options. Support for XY, and XYZ scatter line.


Pie chart icon

Pie chart with multiple customization options, including specified begin and sweep angles, different label layout strategies, pie segment shapes, exploded pie segments, etc.


Stock chart icon

Stock chart with support for stick and candle drawing styles. Open High Low and Close High Low chart subtypes are also supported. Support for XY Scatter mode (date-time stock chart).


Point chart icon

Categorical, XY scatter, and XYZ scatter point chart. The point series supports several distinct point shapes, empty data points, different sizes and appearances per data point, and more.


Polar chart icon

Polar chart with line, point, area, range (wind rose), and vector charting types. Support for docked and crossed polar axes.


Vector chart icon

Vector charts display vectors in 2D and 3D. Each vector data item is defined by two points (begin - end) and is represented by a single arrow. An arrowhead is placed at the endpoint to indicate the vector's direction.

Tree Map

Tree map series chart icon

Tree maps display hierarchical (tree-structured) data as a set of nested rectangles. Tree maps allow you to easily see patterns that would be difficult to spot in other ways, such as if a certain node value changes by a large amount or the relative node value vs. the other node values. The second advantage of tree maps is that, by construction, they make efficient use of space. As a result, they can legibly display a large number of items simultaneously on the screen.


Kagi chart icon

Kagi is a type of financial chart illustrating the forces of supply and demand on security. It is focused on price action and disregards the passage of time.

Point and Figure

Point and figure chart icon

Point and Figure is a type of financial chart designed to filter non-significant price changes and focus on the main price trends. Point and Figure charts are usually used for longer-term price movements.

Three Line Break

Three lines break chart icon

Three Line Break is a price change financial chart that is similar in concept to Kagi, Renko, and Point and Figure.

Float Bar (also called Gantt)

Float bar chart icon

Smooth edge and cut edge bar styles and the standard pyramid, cylinder, ellipsoid, cone, inverted pyramid, and inverted cone styles. Date Time float bar, Date Time Clustered Float Bar.


Radar chart icon

Contour and filled area styles. Supports markers. A unique - elevated center feature.


Renko chart icon

Renko is a type of financial chart that is very effective for traders in identifying essential support and resistance levels. It filters minor price movements and emphasizes general trends.

Mesh Surface

Mesh surface chart icon

Surface connecting a grid of points defined by their X, Y, and Z coordinates. The mesh surface can be filled with an automatic or user-defined palette, smooth palette filling is also supported. Several frame styles are available, including Mesh, Contour, Dots, and Mesh-Contour, which can be displayed uniformly or synchronized with the palette. Supports custom contour lines and flat mode (Mesh Contour chart).

Grid Surface

Grid surface chart icon

Surface connecting a grid of data points where each row and column of the grid have equal X and Z values and a distinct Y value (elevation). The rows and columns of the grid can be regularly or irregularly spaced. The Grid surface can be filled with an automatic or user-defined palette. Smooth palette filling is supported as well as per-vertex colors. Several frame styles are supported, including Mesh, Contour, Dots, and Mesh - Contour. The frame can be uniformly displayed or synchronized with the used palette. Flat mode is also supported (Grid Contour chart).

Triangulated Surface

Triangulated surface chart icon

This charting type can display a set of points with X, Y, and Z coordinates as a 3D surface. In contrast to the Mesh Surface chart, the Triangulated Surface doesn't require the points to be ordered in a grid. The control creates a triangular network automatically.

Vertex Surface

Vertex surface chart icon

The Vertex Surface series allows the visualization of data points with user-specified 3d primitives such as triangle, triangle fan, triangle strip, etc. The user can also specify the order in which vertices are connected to form the specified 3d primitive. Also supported is per vertex color, automatically generated contour lines and palette filling.

Chart Axes Features

NOV Chart for .NET provides a complete set of axis-related features designed to target even the most compelling charting requirements. The axes are largely automated, allowing you to focus on your project and be able to customize every aspect of the appearance and behavior of the axis if needed. Following is a short list of the axis-related features of the component:

Axes Position

Primary and secondary y axes

Primary and Secondary X and Y Axes

Supports an unlimited number of X and Y Axes. You can specify the X and Y axis on which each chart series is scaled. Advanced settings allow you to make use of axis crossings, docking, and percent positioning.
Axis docking percentages

Advanced positioning options

The axes of the component can be docked to the chart sides (or polar rim) or crossed at value with some other axis. In addition, axes can share parts of the chart plot.
Polar value axis position

Special options for Polar axes

The special options for Polar axes include advanced settings for Polar axes position and annotation.

Scale Types

Axis ordinal scale

Ordinal Scale

Allows you to display ordinal (categorical) data.
Numeric and logarithmic scale

Numeric and Logarithmic Scale

Allows you to display any data in numeric format (profit, sales, percentages, etc.)
Date time scale

DateTime Scale

General date time scale suitable for the display of date time data.
Value timeline scale

Value Timeline Scale

The Value Timeline Scale is an advanced date-time scale most commonly used in financial charts.
Range timeline scale

Range Timeline Scale

Advanced date-time scale is most commonly used in financial and project management charts.
Polar value axis position

Angular Scale

Allows you to display angular data in degrees and grads (used in polar charts).
Hierarchical scale

Hierarchical Scale

The Hierarchical scale allows you to display grouped categorical data.

Scale Properties

Title positioning


The Title functionalities of the component provide control over the chart axis title text, appearance, position, and angle.
Axis rules caps


Control over the begin/end ruler caps as well as the option to highlight scale breaks on the ruler.
Range timeline scale


Control over the range displayed by the axis. Ability to inflate that range in several modes.


Control over the major and minor gridline's appearance.
Axis ticks


Ticks are usually represented as lines and can appear on both sides of the scale ruler. In NOV scales, define two types of ticks – major and minor. The Ticks functionalities of the component provide control over the appearance and position of the minor and major ticks on the chart axis.
Axis stripes


Ability to highlight repeating ranges of data on the chart walls, with controllable show/hide pattern.
Axis sections


Ability to conditionally modify the appearance of axis decorations (tick, gridlines, and labels) if they fall in a specified range. This feature allows you to highlight important ranges of data on the axis.
Axis reference lines

Const Lines

Ability to show constant (reference) lines at specified value. Const lines are lines displayed at axis values and are usually used to display some chart-specific limit or targeted value.
Scale break appearance

Scale Breaks

Scale Breaks skip a range of values on the axis to increase the readability of the chart. NOV Chart for .NET provides support for manual and automatic scale breaks with full control over appearance and behavior. X and Y scale breaks can be crossed.
Label layout

Label Layout

Ability to control how the axis must resolve label overlapping and layout options.
Axis labels orientation

Label Formatting

Ability to control the label formatting on numeric scales - including many advanced options for currency, percentage, scientific, and date-time label formatting.

Other Features

non overlapping data labels

Non-Overlapping Data Labels Layout

Data point labels of Cartesian, Polar, and Radar charts can be automatically re-arranged in order to avoid overlaps and ensure maximum visibility for the chart elements.
Interactive legend

Flexible integrated legend

The Legend functionalities of the component include lots of predefined styles, positions, and data layout strategies.
combo chart cluster bar line

Ability to display several charting types simultaneously

Advanced chart margins and fit strategy control.
financial combo chart

Ability to display several chart series simultaneously

Making a chart-type combination chart has never been easier and more flexible.
Chart legend docking

Ability to display multiple charts and legends

Charts can be described in one or more legends. Legends can describe multiple charts.
Chart labels general header footer


Headers, footers as well as custom positioned labels.
Rectangle zoom tool


The Interactivity functionalities of the component include tools like Data Zoom, Data Pan, Tooltip, Mouse Cursor, and others.
Hit testing

Hit Test capabilities

Support for hit testing the control in order to get the chart element under a specified position.

Serialization Support

The control supports serialization/deserialization of its state to a file or stream.
Image export

Image Export

The control supports image export in the following formats: BMP, JPEG, PNG, and PDF.