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Nevron Chart for .NET White Papers

Nevron white paper using scale breaks

Creating a chart that is informative to the user is a challenging task. Being focused on the data visualization Nevron Chart for .NET sets the standards in data visualization technology by supporting a variety of features allowing you to create informative and readable charts. One such feature is the complete support for axis scale breaks.

Nevron white paper chart with multiple axes

Having a chart with several Y axes is a requirement you will meet very often when you develop charting enabled applications. It is essential that a good charting product supports flexible Y axis positioning and layout. This white paper outlines the different options you have with Nevron Chart for .NET to address a variety of situations requiring you to use multiple Y axes.

Nevron white paper xyz scatter chart

The requirements for presentation charts are always high and very often simple bars and lines are not enough to impress the audience. The rich feature set of Nevron Chart for .NET enables you to go beyond the limits of "ordinary" charts and opens a field of action for your imagination. In this white paper you can track the process of creating a chart that presents data for the Carbon Dioxide emissions of European countries.

Nevron white paper surface charts

A Surface Chart is a 3D representation of a set of points, that produces a filled area in 3D where each set of three distinct, adjacent data points forms a triangle. Surface charts also commonly combine the three-dimensional filled area representation with functionality to visualize the surface mesh, as well as the intersections of the surface with planes that slice the surface along one of its dimensions. The lines produced by those intersections are referred to as contour lines or isolines. Further, surface charts usually support various ways to color the surface and contour lines.
Nevron white paper axis scales

Charts are plotted using one or more axes that scale the data displayed on the chart plot area along one or more dimensions. There are several types of charts that define the possible number of dimensions –those are:

Cartesian Charts – this is the most common type of chart that allows the user to plot data against two or three dimensions.
Polar Charts – this type of chart plots the data along a cyclical axis (angle) and a value axis.
Ternary Chart – this type of chart plots the data along three dimensions.
Radar Chart – this type of chart plots the data along a separate dimension for each category in the provided data points.

The common in those types of charts is that each of those chart dimensions can represent a different quantity or measurement where each value in the respective dimension of a data point is positioned. To show the user the values in a particular dimension Nevron .NET Chart supports several types of axis scales that aim to denote the values along this dimension with the objective to annotate those values using axis scale objects, such as labels, ticks, grid lines, stipes, and others.

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Mike Walsh
Envision Sustainability Tools Inc.